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IGDS Members

We provide exclusive Support to 44 leading Department Stores from around the World Search for members

List of Department Stores worldwide

Trading banners By country *IGDS Member Africa Morocco Alpha 55 Galeries Lafayette Lebanon ABC Aishti Qatar Blue Salon* Galeries Lafayette South Africa Edgars Truworths Woolworths* UAE…

Nordstrom, USA

Nordstrom, USA

Nordstrom, USA Annual Reports for years 2020, 2021, 2022 Nordstrom is a leading destination for a breadth of products across brands, styles and prices complemented by unmatched services and…


IGDS Members engage in a diverse array of CSR and Sustainability endeavours from eco-thoughtful measures at the stores, to supporting community development, youth programs, and international…

David Jones-Indigenous Fashion Projects

David Jones-Indigenous Fashion Projects

David Jones-Indigenous Fashion Projects Background: Established in 2020 by the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair Foundation in partnership with David Jones, the Pathways Program is a two-year fashion…


Disclaimer By using this site or any content on this site, you enter into a binding contract between IGDS (Intercontinental Group of Department Stores) and you, in which you undertake certain…

Cookies & Privacy Policy

1. Application This privacy policy relates to How we handle information received or collected about you as an individual through the Website, How we communicate with you as an…

Accessibility Statement

We believe in making the Intercontinental Group of Department Stores web site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and…