The new normality has begun. At Liverpool, they began operations in a staggered manner in each entity, always aligned with the measurements issued by the state governments. Liverpool began the process of reopening its stores after three months of absence, with the confirmation that they will have the maximum protocols of hygiene and safety to take care of all those involved in their operations. For example, areas that are open are thoroughly disinfected every day, prior to opening, by a company certified by the Ministry of Health and the Federal Commission.
Visitors and staff are provided with antibacterial gel at all times in dispensers located at entrances, changing rooms, bathrooms, common areas, and food areas. Social distancing is also included with marks placed on the floor of the stores that determine a safe space. In addition, the stores have a special team of people who are responsible for disinfecting the changing rooms each time they are used, while the clothes are removed and disinfected before they are returned to the showroom. In the restaurants and gourmet areas, some tables will be left free to ensure safety distance and maintain a safe environment for diners.
And for those who still stay at home, Liverpool reports that its digital channels, such as and the Liverpool Pocket app, are still available to serve them at all times.