Arnotts launched its SS20 womenswear designer collections in-store and online on Thursday, March 5, with a series of exclusive fashion shows. The new launch will see Arnotts welcoming new and exclusive international brands in their Spring/Summer 2020 collection, inspired by faraway destinations and effortless elegant dressing. Over 90 runway looks influenced by catwalks across the globe was showcased. With sustainability very much in the mind of the modern consumer, fashion industry leaders, Humility, Samsoe & Samsoe and Selected Femme exhibited ageless pieces designed to be worn time and time again.
Among the new arrivals at Arnotts, Storm & Marie, DAY Birger et Mikkelsen and Gestuz have created effortless go-to pieces rooted in Scandinavian design heritage. With summer fast approaching, the biggest trend for the season will be the Summer Sweetheart, characterised by ditsy florals and feminine pastels. Ghost London, a new arrival known for their feminine aesthetic, combines modern silhouettes and beautiful prints that can be worn by women of all ages and shapes. Keeping it local with amazing Irish designers, Aideen Bodkin and Fee G are fusing intricate detailing with blooming floral prints in a spectrum of soft delicate tones. Renowned as the ultimate destination for international and Irish design, the SS20 exciting new arrivals are available to shop exclusively in-store and online at