6 October 2021
The Weekly
Unique Escalator and New Areas at KaDeWe Berlin

On September 30th, the breathtaking Cosmetic Hall as well as the Women’s and Men’s Designer Fashion Quadrants were opened at KaDeWe Berlin with an exciting fashion show. During the opening celebrations, more than 40 models wearing luxury brands, including Prada, Balenciaga and Gucci, used the first staircase — a spiral elevator, open at the top — as a runway, parading in front of a crowd of around 350 guests, including local politicians and celebrities.

The escalator has been designed by Ellen van Loon from OMA, the world-famous Dutch architecture firm founded by Rem Koolhaas. OMA is responsible for the master plan for the entire redesign of the KaDeWe. By the end of November, around 80% of the renovations of KaDeWe should be completed.