Le Printemps launched its live shopping channel last June. The series is called ‘En mode Printemps’ and is broadcast every other Wednesday evening, some 20 episodes so far. Unlike the majority of competitors, Le Printemps decided not to enlist influencers, and its live shopping sessions revolve around the chain's personal shoppers, one of the department store’s “ever-present strengths.” Le Printemps has some 60 personal shoppers at its branches in Paris and elsewhere in France. ‘En mode Printemps’ sessions feature a theme and a sales consultant as host, plus a model wearing the clothes and accessories on show, and an off-camera speaker who puts forward the online audience's questions and adds further information, for example about the brands featured, in conversation with the host. The participants’ questions are often extremely practical and product-focused, bridging the information gap that sometimes hampers online shoppers.
Of course, not everyone has the ability to host a live video session, and some personal shoppers are wary of taking the plunge. Le Printemps has therefore organised ad hoc training sessions for its staff, choosing Swedish start-up Bambuser as service provider.
The department store broadcasts its live shopping sessions on its website and on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Contrary to common belief, the main results in terms of sales and appointments booked are generated after the live sessions “90% of page views and purchases are made during replays. This format is part and parcel of a digital ecosystem.” Live shopping was worth over $300bn in 2021, compared to half that amount in 2020, and is expected to generate a revenue of $423bn this year, via 900 specialised sites and over 500mn followers. In the last six months, 1bn live video shopping sessions were broadcast in China, across all sectors. Two thirds of e-tail customers have made purchases that way.