On 28 February, Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche officially launched the Exposition “X” to celebrate fantasy, sharing, creativity, and casts a positive eye on the world. French artist Philippe Katerine was given a ‘carte rose’ to dress the store’s spaces and present his artworks. The eclectic artist created giant sculptures in bubble-gum pink appearing at different places in the store and hanging as well from the ceiling. A series of his artworks, paintings, sculptures are presented on the 2nd floor of the store, as well as objects he created especially for the expo which are for sale, including his book “Mignonisme”.
The evening was marked by a concert of Philippe Katerine and his band on the ground floor of the store, where invitees could dance on the singer’s famous hits, including iconic ‘Louxor j’Adore’. It was one of the first events in Paris without masks, since the government lifted this obligation for vaccinated people the day before. Philippe Katerine will also lend his voice to the store’s announcements, and will give two performances on March 1 and 2 with composer and guitarist Philippe Eveno.
Famous brands have paired off for the “X” exhibition, like Baccarat x Pokémon, Scholl x Erès’ or Tag Heuer x Porsche to name a few. The exposition is running from February 12 to April 24.