4 August 2021
The Weekly
Flower Festival 2021 at GUM

In July, GUM launched the 9th edition of the Flower Festival. The arcades and facades are lined with hundreds of thousands of flowers that were grown in Moscow Oblast especially for the Russia’s premiere department store on Red Square. The traditional planting of saplings was organized as part of the opening festivities. Lead by Bosco di Ciliegi head Mikhail Kusnirovich, company staff planted about 600 thousand flowers around GUM: yellow marigolds, cherry coleus, multicolored begonias, and many other colorful plants.

The Bosco di Ciliegi employees were joined by BoscoFamily friends: Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Andrey Malakhov, Alexander Oleshko, Olga Kabo, Vlad Lisovets, Sergey Garmash, Elena Zakharova, Ilya Bachurin, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Daria Poverennova, Askold Zapashny, Alexey Yashin. A unique watering system with moisture retention functions to ensure the flowers maintain their freshness and beauty. The GUM Flower Festival closes on September 12.