Shoppers Stop has reported sales of Rs1300 crore and EBITDA of Rs 102 Crore in the quarter; the turnover is Rs 994 crore and EBITDA of Rs 204 crore. During this fiscal, the company has reportedly made large investments in Digital and Information Technology Transformation for Rs 30 crore. Against a strong base of Q3 FY19 and a subdued retail landscape with a dampened festive season, the revenue growth was muted LTL (-1%). Nonetheless, the company proactively increased its productivity and efficiencies by keeping the costs in control. The company has a total footprint of 89 Department stores and 135 Beauty doors across 42 cities in India as at 31 December 2019. The First Citizen Loyalty program contributed 84% (+5% Y-o-Y basis) of revenue. The Beauty segment grew 9.6% and this growth should be sustain in the forthcoming quarters on the back of new beauty stores, upgrading the beauty experience in existing stores, the launch of new brands and strong Omnichannel support. The company launched 4 new brands in beauty. The one-of-its-kind Personal Shopper program grew by 5%.